to be continued...
I go back to the original blog.
Thinking about how to speculate the future. (The former name is "The Road to be a Design Consultant in London", "Studying Design in London")
42nd day 23September2007 Sunday
1. I concentrated on listening training again.
There was one problem. I couldn’t have confidence on my method. Now, my main exercise is dictation training. At first, I thought it’s very effective to improve my hearing skill, but It’s just a little stressful and I can’t feel the effect clearly. Of course, it’s impossible to improve it dramatically in a short term, but I sometimes wondered whether there are more effective methods anywhere. Maybe, keeping training itself is the most important…
Labels: Diary
41st day 22September2007 Saturday
1. To concentrate on listening training.
I just practiced English listening in that day, but the desire of sleeping is very strong and captured me easily… I was always fighting with it.
2. I thought investments
One book says that investments are good because it makes you more sensitive to social situation. Of course it is bad to be obsessed with investments, but I basically agree with the opinion.
Labels: Diary
40th day 21September2007 Friday
1. To drink with some friends of mine.
A friend of mine invited me to go to bar with him and a friend of his. The bar had a open space and I came to like it. After that, we went to their flat and drank a little more. The friend of his was unemployed at that time, but he worked in Asia before. He had a lot of stories about his experiences in Asia. It’s very good little party.
2. I visited the exhibition of MA in my course.
What I felt were two things:
1. Concept!
2. God is in the details.
The former is very simple. I didn’t strongly feel the difference between each works in the technical aspects. Of course, as I agreed in this second point, visual effect is quite important. If you can draw pictures very well, it’s strong advantage. However, it hardly becomes the absolute differentiation, because everyone can express their works neatly to some extent, and when I saw the works, they naturally made me think about the concept at first. I don’t know everyone see the works in the same way, but many works of interior design are apparently too complicated to understand it easily, so I think designers have to answer the question in the brain of audiences. I think the designer can explain the concept clearly, audiences must get a good impression.
The latter is similar to the former. I think visual impact is not important unless the quality is outstanding. God is in the details. I felt the work that has a good detail is good, but on the other hand, even if the main part is good, bad details make the works looks bad…
Labels: Diary
39th day 20September2007 Thursday
1. I’ve got the information for selling stock options.
My colleague in Human Resources Dept replied e-mail.
2. I went to see my agent.
I asked some question about finance and my career. About the former, he advised me to send the amount of money that I could expect to use in London because the interest rate in London was very high and that in Tokyo was very low. I completely agreed with that. One more advice of his was that the most reasonable money transfer agent was Lloyds.
About the latter, he suggested that I should work in Tokyo better than in London because London is very attractive as ‘Hub’ but it was not as a market. I also sometimes felt the same thing when I went around London because it’s smaller than Tokyo and very mature city.
3. I went to tweintytewntyone’s show room.
In the gallery, the exhibition about ‘eco-bag’ was held and there were some leaflets about fair trade. I feel more strongly that many designers and people who are related with design are deeply interested in environment problems in London than in Tokyo.
Labels: Diary
38th day 19September2007 Wednesday
1. Try to send money from Tokyo to London.
At first, I thought it was easy, but actually it’s not.
I thought I could send money online, but the most online services of Japanese banks didn’t provide overseas transfer online. I’ve already opened my bank account but I actually couldn’t use it now, so I tried to send money to post office’s bank account of my aunt’s, because the post office’s service was more reasonable than private banks’ in Japan, but there were another problem that the online services of my banks didn’t support transfers to post office’s… so I changed my plan from sending to post office’s to sending to her private bank account and I decided to go to my agent to consult about it the next day.
2. Try to exercise my stock options
But I didn’t have the information for identifying me enough, so I couldn’t complete it. I’ve contacted my company and checked the information, so I’m going to try it again today.
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35th day 16September2007 Sunday
Open House day 2nd
1. I went to Allies and Morrison Studio.
The interior was very modern because most of the surface was concrete. The guide said it absorbed the heat at day and it cooled down at night. The colors in the building were coordinated with similar colors, which were based on gray. My favorite place was the top floor. That was partially no roof and open.
2. I went to YRM Offices.
This building was the renovation type. The old material were used effectively.
Labels: Diary
34th day 15September2007 Saturday
Today was Open House day, so I visited some places, but I couldn’t enter some of them ‘cause one required me to pre-book, and another had been already full.
1. I visited King’s Place
It had been under construction yet. At first, I thought it was a rare opportunity that I was able to enter the constructed building, but it was difficult to enjoy it ‘cause some ability to imagine the completed image was required. So if you have expertise about constructing building you can enjoy yourself with it, but I didn’t have, it was a good experience though.
2. I visited Barbican Centre and 10 Queen Street Place, but…
The tour in Barbican Centre was a pre-booking type. I overlooked the information on the leaflet. I would like to have seen the inside well because the exterior was interesting.
Then I went to 10 Queen Street Place, but when I arrived there, the tour had been already full. The design of the entrance was very curious, so I felt I lost the good opportunity…
3. Second Life
I saw some news about Second Life, which is the largest online game, in several media in the UK. I wondered if it was focused in London.
In Japan, online games have been getting popular too, but the popular games are based on Japanese language.
Open House
King’s Place
Barbican Centre
Queen Street Place
Second Life
Labels: Diary
33th day 14September2007 Friday
1. To repair my wireless network, but how?
I sent e-mail to my service provider. I don’t know thanks to that, but I could connect the wireless network in the evening. However, I can’t connect it now… My expectation about the cause is IE7.o, so now I use mainly Firefox.
2. To purchase my cell phone.
Not yet. Why? I’ve not needed it yet. And I can’t decide which payment type is better for me, pay as you go or monthly. At first, I thought monthly was better because it was reasonable in general. But do I use a phone as a lot as average people? In Japan, I used it a lot because I had a job and a lot of friends (really?), but now the situation has changed. It is difficult to estimate how long I call.
3. Planning… just this weekend.
In this weekend, Open house, the event that many buildings are open to many people, is held, so in advance I picked up some buildings I’d visit. In order to enter some popular buildings you need pre-booking, but I didn’t because I didn’t know that… I would like to have entered 30 Mary Axe, the building called “Gherkin”.
Open House
30st Mary Axe
Labels: Diary
32nd day 13September2007Thursday
1. To go to Geffrye Museum
A friend of mine told me the museum.
It is very good place. I like the open space in front of the museum as well as the collection.
There, you can see a lot of historical lifestyle from the 17th century to the 2oth century. And admission free. You can use also a locker for free. What I was interested in was that as time went by, the design of furniture was getting simpler. Why did that change happened? If space aliens see it, they must strongly wonder about it.
2. To go to 20/21
I couldn’t find it… You should check the road name before your voyage… it is usual thing though…
3. To repair my bicycle
It cost 10 pounds. Just a little expensive…
4. To send e-mail to some friends of mine.
The wireless network in my room hadn’t been working well yet, so I sent them from my favorite coffee shop.
5. Planning
I didn’t…
6. I started dictation training.
For improving my hearing skill.
Labels: Diary
31st day 12September2007Wendsday
1. Just a bad day.
When I woke up and turned on my room light, the light valve was broken.
When I got out and tried to ride my bicycle, it had got a flat.
When I came back to my room, I couldn’t access the wireless network.
Oh, Fxxx!!
Labels: Diary
30th day 11September2007 Tuesday
1. I went to the housing services again.
I went there again. I showed my receipt, the staff admitted her mistake and she said that she called the hall manager later.
2. I went to Design Museum
The exhibition about Zaha Hadid who is one of the most famous architects was held. Many works were introduced here, and what I was interested in was the works in eighties. Her drawings at that time looked like polygon models in computer modeling. It reminded me of the image of cyber pank, such as “Nuromancer”.
But most current projects of hers are streamlined. The change is interesting, because I think one of the reasons of her success is her eighties accomplishment. That is, she got attention with the polygon style at first, but her style in nineties and two thousands were changed. The fact that is curious is that she was interested in Velner Panton at the late eighties.
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29th day 10September2007 Monday
1. I went to the Japan Embassy to register my address, but…
I forgot my legal address on family registry (In Japan, we have to register it, but there isn’t such a kind of thing in the U.K.), it was required to register my address in London though.
2. I went to the housing services of my university, but…
The reason was that they sent their invoice that included fee that I’d already paid. When I told it to the staff, she reduced the amount, but there was another problem. I had already extended my contract of my room, but she said to me that there was no evidence to have I paid the prepayment. Oh Jesus…, she asked me to show the receipt, but, of course, I didn’t have it because I didn’t expect that problem happened. I have to bring it bring it today.
3. I went to my agent office
This was the first time to visit there. There were some Japanese students and they talked with some staffs about their situation. I didn’t have particular problem to consult them, but now I think I should have thought something to ask.
One staff advised me to take English tests periodically because if you had better score than now, your opportunity got bigger in the future.
4. I went to the National Museum
The main parts had been already closed, but I could enter the center space. The space was huge and the roof was glass. I like that space, because the light from sky was very beautiful.
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28th day 09September2007 Sunday
1. We walked around Primrose Hill.
We went there in the early morning by train because a friend of ours said that we could see “a rich pocket in London”. Around there, there were a lot of houses which looked very expensive. The atmosphere was very quiet.
2. We went to the market of Camden Town.
3. We went to the market of Brick Lane.
We went to a Japanese-food stand in Brick Lane, which a relative of a friend of mine ran. The main menu was Okonomi-yaki. It was a little different from standard type because they contained cheese instead of beef.
4. We went to 30th Mary axe.
5. We joined a home party of a friend of mine
A friend of ours invited us to her home party, so we visited her home. The participant was five, her mother, a friend of hers, her and us. That was very cheerful party. It was very rare for me to be able to enter usual British homes. The friend was a musician and we heard some tunes of hers. They were quite melodious and I felt comfortable during hearing it. That’s really fantastic party!!
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27th day 08Sep2007
The plan of action
To help the moving of a friend of mine.
At first, my friend planned to move in the morning, but the hall keeper wasn’t there in the morning, so the plan changed into the afternoon. I helped her just only with bringing her large baggage.
To guide my friend around London.
After I helped the moving, I went to Piccadilly Circus to see a friend of mine. It took me one and a half hour to get there from my hall on walk.
Since he had already walked around Piccadilly Circus while he was waiting for me, I took him to Big Ben. Then we moved along the Themes and we saw a dancing event. At last, we reached Tate Modern, where the Exhibition of UBS Collection. I expected it was closed, but in Friday and Saturday it was open until 10p.m. I entered there and saw some works, which included Francis Bacon, Marcel Duchamp and Liechtenstein etc.
The friend was interested in why such kinds of works were famous and succeeded. I also have same curiosity and we talked about it during seeing them. He said that he thought the reason of their success was not their skill of creation but that of presentation of their concept.
After that, we went to a restaurant, which has the same name with my family name! I expected the owner of the shop had the same name with me, but the origin was Italian and the name had other meaning. I thought I’d like to be patronage of the bar.
Hearing training. 26-27
I didn’t finish it…
Clean up my room.
I did. I have to keep it for long time.
Labels: Diary
26th day 07Sep2007 Fri
What I learned:
1. Margarita is good. Guinness is best.
Yesterday was the last day of my English Class, and it was in Cheer’s bar in Piccadilly Circus. I drank Guinness, Budweiser and Margarita. My favorite is Guinness.
The event (?) was a joint event with another class which the same teacher with us taught. I got to know a Korean girl in the other class.
2. Regents Park in Camden Town is good.
After the event, I moved Regents Park in Camden with some classmates. It’s very good place, some girls did strange dances there though…
3. It is very important to control myself.
I talked with my teacher in the event. When I told her for a laugh that I always drunk too much, she said to me that I tried to control myself. I think so.
4. It is difficult to list what I learned.
I gradually feel this format is not good, because it’s hard to find what I learned sometimes. Mmm…but the problem is that I have no learning point, so changing format is not a proper solution.
I think I should set the goal of the day in advance.
Today’s action:
To help the moving of a friend of mine.
To guide my friend around London.
Hearing training. 26-27
Clean up my room.
Labels: Diary
25th day 06Sep2007 Thu
What I learned:
1. Work on appearing more confident. Try to prepare well.
My teacher gave me the feedback about my assessment. In that, she pointed the problem. I was too nervous during my presentation. Good point was my self-criticizing.
2. Double spaced
I didn’t understand the meaning of double space. It means to put space enough to see it clearly and write some comment between lines.
Labels: Diary
24th day 05Sep2007 Wed
What I learned:
1. Internet Shopping more reasonable than shop in London?
I looked for some websites that sold mobile phones, and I found it and they were very reasonable! Why? They have a great power as selling channels?
2. Stools were symbols of states in ancient ages.
I read "Space Planning" a little. It describes that stools were symbols of states in ancient ages. It is incredible from the current stand point.
3. The feeling of funny is mutual around the world?
I went to pub with my classmate. At first, I worried about the feeling was quite different from each culture, but it was not a big problem.
Labels: Diary
20th day 1stSep2007 Sat
What I learned:
1. I watched “Transporter 2”
I think it's better than the first one, but honestly I can't say it's excellent!
Luc Bessons' movie has something very unique. It works sometimes good but sometimes bad.
2. AutoCad2005 doesn't support Windows Vista.
3. Maya has Personal Learning Edition for free.
4. I read a book authored by Papanek
I found Papaneck's "Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change". He was one of designers who were interested in environment problems early.
What I was intested in was the part about education.
He(1st ed. 1971, 2nd ed. 1985: 286) says:
“Surely a student entering a design school of university in September of 1984 must be educated to operate effectively in a professional world starting in 1989, and foreseeably he will reach the height of his professional competence sometime around the year 2009.”
When I apply it to my schedule, I must be educated to operate effectively in a professional world starting in 2008 or 2009, and foreseeably he will reach the height of his professional competence sometime around the year 2028 or 2029.
2029!! What the world will be? But I should think about the future nad set my goal for the long term.
New vocabularies:
study of working conditions.
carnivore ( Cf. hernivore, insectivore, ominivore)
any animal that eats meat
(based by OALD)
21st day 02Sep2007 Sun
1.A struggle with Maya
I had to make some work for my oral assessment, so I tried to do it with Maya. My version is Personal Learning Version, so it has some limitation. For a beginner, it was too difficult to make a good work with it soon, it was good experience.
When I was a high school student, it is about 10 years ago, I had used 3D software called Strata. Maya had a extremely higher performance than that. The progression of Technology is Excellent. But I felt the basic concept of 3D modelling software had not been changed. There are some primitive models, some modelling tools and textures. I don’t know how important the skill of using such kinds of tools is for you, but I felt I will come to create my mages more freely if I master it,
2. I saw “Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason” for exercising listening British English.
It’s just for girls, so it’s not very interesting for me, but I thought a lot of things.
I had not thought about a gap of status seriously, but if I face the situation that I strongly feel it, what will I think? Embarrassment? In Japan, I had not met that situation, not because I’m in higher class, but the gap is not so important in Japan. (Of course, it may be just my opinion. Other people may have other thought.)
But if my girlfriend is a sort of Celebrity (it seems to hardly happen), what do I have to do?
And Colin Filth’s English is very British.
New Vocabularies:
Shag vt.
To have sex with sb.
At large
(used after a noun) a whole
(of a dangerous person or animal) not captured)
Seduce Cf. produce, deduce, induce, introduce, reduce)
To persuade sb to have sex with you, especially sb who is younger or who has less experience than you.
22nd day 03Sep2007 Mon
What I learned:
1. Preparing for the oral assessment
Today, I used most of time for preparing for the oral assessment. I planed how to use the 10 minutes of the presentation, focused on the main point, repeated rehearsals. You cannot do practices too much.
2. This list must be written as soon as possible.
Otherwise, your memories have vanished.
3. Common knowledge and specific knowledge
Thanks to listing up what I learned, I noticed one thing. That is, in knowledge, there are two types, common knowledge and specific knowledge. Of course, both of them are important, but if I can, I consciously acquire common knowledge.
23rd 04Sep2007 Tue
1. Do practice well and prepare enough for the presentation.
My presentation in the assessment was terrible…but it’s my first presentation in English, so it’ was natural that I became too nervous. The problem is ,that was expectable, so you had to prepare it more carefully.
-Good points:
-To use the example of my class mate as a great artist. He was just a little glad.
-Prepare for the structure and time schedule.
-Bad points:
-I became so nervous that I lost the room in my heart to check the note.
-I skipped some topics.
-At the stage, I changed my expression, but it was a mistake. I couldn’t say it correctly.
-10 times rehearsal.
-Training to speech in front of many people in English. (It’s difficult to get chances though)
2. To remove scum before you eat beansprouts.
New vocabularies
Lough out loud
the process of burning
the process of becoming crowded
the process of gradually being destroyed
Push up 380
English Pronunciation in Use 12
Labels: Diary
19th day 31Aug2007 Fri
What I learned:
1. The Schedule is very important!
Today, a teacher gave us a print for homework. It is a shot article and humorously explains how significant scheduling your plan is. The author says ‘It is useful to think of yourself as “investing” time’(Andrew Northedge, Managing your study time).
“Investing time”!! It’s a good massage. I’ll try it NOW.
2. Rei Kawakubo – avoiding trend, preferring accident.
I watched a video about fashion history in the English class. In that, Rei Kawakubo, who established Comme des Garcons Co., Ltd, said that the progress of society needs someone who trys new things. In order to do it, you should avoid trend and look for “accidents”.
3. I watched “CRANK”!!
That’s cool!! Now, it’s one of my favorite movies! I like the characters, the rhythm of the move and visual effects.
4. I heard “You know my name”.
It’s the theme song of “Casino Royale” , whose singer is Chris Cornel. It’s very powerful song.
5. I tried carbonara again, but…
I mistook little bit… I tried to warm up my pan, which I think I use for mixing up with pasta and source, with warm water from outside, but water entered inside!!! Oh my god…. It was better taste than yesterday though.
Labels: Diary
16th day 28Aug2007 Tue
I have little time to write a diary today, because my teacher told me to rewrite my essay, today’s the deadline though.
17th day 29Aug2007 Wed
I have little time to write a diary today, too. I have to prepare for the oral assessment, but I have no idea now!
18thday 30Aug2007Thu
I don’t remember when I got up yesterday. I ate sandwiches as breakfast.
Then, I went to the Office of my college where is on Davies St.
I paid the fee of my accommodation. I could pay it online, but the start date on the agreement was wrong and I’d like to ask about it. The staff told it’s not a problem.
After that, I called at Waterstones that it was the largest bookstore as long as I knew, to search for the guidebook of London published by TimeOut. It was there, but it’s just the version for 2007. I would like to have bought that for 2008, so I got out the store and went to my college.
I arrived there, I entered the library to think about the theme of the oral assessment of my English class. Basically, the theme must be related with your work, but I had no work. I had thought using my pictures of architecture, but I couldn’t conceive a good idea. The beginning time came, so I stopped thinking to go to my class room.
In class, when I told my class mates that I had no work, one of them said to me, “Let’s make it”. I hadn’t thought it, but suddenly I felt I could do it and I answered “It’s ok”. Then, she asked me which is the your favorite 3D software, Maya or 3D Max, but I didn’t know because I didn’t use both of them. I answered so, one of other classmates was surprised because his major is product design and he knows how difficult it is to show presentations of design without them. When I told him I would try it with drawing, he changed his face as if he said “unbelievable”.
Labels: Diary
12th day 24Aug2007
Sometimes I feel that I use a lot of time for unimportant things. If so, you should not do, but they are sometimes what I have to do.
I would like to sell my stock option and stock. It has took a lot time to just set up my account. The U.S. companies are NOT excellent!!
At the evening, I went to the Jazz bar that my friend taught me. I looked for it on Last Friday, but I couldn’t. This time, finally I found it! The reason why it is hard to find is it is in the basement of a church. I don’t know about Jazz well, but I felt it was a good play. Jazz is very free style music. Very, very free.
13th day 25Aug2007 Sat
I went to Chelsea and visited my college, but he guard man talked to me and taught it was closed. Next to my college, there is tate Britain and I entered there. There were some works of Francis Bacon. They were very impressed on me. I feel Distorted human body in his works as somehow real. I feel sympathy.
14th day 26Aug2007 Sun
When I move around London, I always ride my bicycle. In London, bicycles are treated as cars, so I have to change my lane, but it is difficult for me. I’m gradually used to it, but it’s hard.
Carnival was held in Notting Hill, I went there. There were so many people! It looked as if you couldn’t move an inch!
At night, I saw “Fahrenheit 9/11”, it was very interesting. Why isn’t there such a kind of Documentarians in Japan? Or just I couldn’t find them? I’m very impressed on some scenes. A mother who had been a ardent patriot but she lost her son and groaned aloud, solders who looked like good citizens but were negatively influenced by war experience etc.
15th day 27Aug2007 Man
Today was bank holiday. In the U.K., holiday is really holiday. Most of the shops are closed. In the morning I went to a library which I usually used, but it also was closed. I changed my mind soon and went to tate modern. When I went there last time, the exhibition about cities and I thought that it might be useful to make my theme for the oral assessment of my English class, but there was a problem that it was closed today. If I want more information about it, I can’t any more. Maybe, other good ideas are needed.
Then I went to Waterstone’s at Piccadilly Circus and looked for some text books for English Pronunciation. Among from some kinds of the books, I chose Cambridge. The reason I chose it is that it pays attention to both speaking and listening. I must try it every day from today.
Labels: Diary
4th day
When I woke up, there was a paper on the floor in front of my entrance.
On the paper was some message in Japanese.
I heard a girl who lived in next room was Japanese.
The message was from PK, and she was a messenger for me because I was absent when PK spoke to me about it.
I thought I should say hello to the girl, because I lived there later than her.
When I went out my room to school, I knocked her door and she appeared.
“Hello, I’m Mwayat, I live in the next room, thank you for the message…”
I also asked her two questions about laundry and Internet Access.
Her answer about laundry was that there is laundry machine in B1 but it’s not fee free, so she clean her clothes herself.
That about Internet Access was that the system was prepaid, so if you hadn’t pay the fee yet you couldn’t use it.
Maybe I misunderstood about the system.
On the way to school, I found a local library where wireless network is available free.
At last, I could contact with Japan…
In the English Class, the theme of the writing assessment was announced.
There are three categories, Media, Fashion and Fine Art.
Each one has three options, so I could choose one from nine.
All of them seemed to be interesting, but I thought Media is the closest to Architecture, so I chose among three Media themes “Advertising is the greatest art form in the twentieth century”, that is quoted from Mcluhan.
During evening and night, I thought about this theme.
My interpretation depends on what art forms mean.
If it means styles of art, such as Music, Literature, Picture etc., my hypothesis is “Art is the greatest Ad form”.
But if genres, such as Impressionism, Romantic etc., I have to make construct other acceptable hypothesis.
In order to know which is right, I have to read the original text, but is it in the school library?
5th day
I decided my theme was “Art is the greatest Ad form of the 21st Century”.
But in English Class, such kinds of titles weren’t expected.
Our teacher asked us to plan our schedule for the writing assessment.
I also think it is very interested. I must manage my schedule more strictly.
Today, I felt lack of my English skill, especially hearing and speaking, keenly. I have to change the embarrassment into my motivation for English study.
In the night, I went out to Jazz club which my friend told me, but I couldn’t find it…
I approached it so closely, but I returned the street earlier.
I’ll try it again last week.
6th day
I tried to make spaghetti.
Anyway, I could do it, but the taste of meat sources was too weak.
Today, I planned to go to Jessie’s party, but E-mail from her hadn’t arrived although I asked her to tell me more detail map… I should have sent a respond mail earlier.
I would like to change my residence because the facility and location is not so good, but when I think about cost I feel I should stay my current room…Above that, I found some useful place there…
6th day
Since my class mate taught me the place of Japan Center which is in Piccadilly Circus, I went there.
Almost all of the architectures around there are classic style, so it is very impressive site for me, because I’m not used to seeing such a road.
In Japanese center, there are Japanese Restaurant on the ground floor, Japanese books & goods shop on 1st floor, and Japanese food shop on B1 floor.
I didn’t find how much Japanese books cost, but most Japanese food is about 1.5-2 times as expense as in Japan.
After that, I went to the National Gallery, which is available free.
It’s too large to see every floor in few hours.
There are Holbein, Rubens, Botticelli, Rembrandt etc…
Holbein’s the ambassador was very fine, I didn’t notice it when I saw it on paper in my English class.
7th day
I think I have to plan moving seriously.
There seems to be better and more reasonable place.
As usual, I went to library and connected the Internet.
I search for places to let and found a flat that seemed to be good in central London.
I sent to the Agent e-mail that required more detail information.
Then, I actually went there. It is near Tottenham.
There were a lot of book shops, which included many second hand books store.
I’ve come to like there!
Walking around there, I found the National Portrait Gallery, but I was not so interested in it, so I got out there soon.
In a shop near there, I bought “Voom”. It is like a nutrition drink in Japan and contains raisins and some grains etc. It had a strange taste but I was used to it soon.
8th day 20Aug2007
In the English class, every student had a time to make our essay reviewed by our teacher.
I made a basic mistake, which is changing the title.
I thought I must change it but I misunderstood.
My teacher suggested me that I change my theme, and I decided to follow it.
I couldn’t express my opinion clearly in English.
After class, I went to Canada water with a classmate to purchase a bicycle.
In the conversation with her, I couldn’t understand her easy question.
The cause might be that I have a bat habit of getting rid of some information that I don’t think is important.
9th day 21Aug2007
In the morning, I tried to fix mud guard on my bicycle, but I failed because tools I purchased were not fit into the fix parts.
In the shopping centre at Elephant & Castle station, I checked some drivers and wrenches were sold, so tomorrow I’ll bring my screws and investigate which size is best.
10th day 22Aug2007
I have some trouble with communication yet. I can’t find the best way to improve it.
11th day 23Aug2007
In the English class, teacher told us that there was oral assessment, which was a presentation.
Basically the theme of presentation must be about your work, but I have no work, so I’m going to ask my teacher if the analysis of architecture or Interior Design with some pictures is O.K.
At the night, for studying English, I saw a movie which has the title,” Adaptation”. The main character, who Nicolas Cage acts, is completely coward, but I felt strongly sympathy for him.
Now, my cell phone, which I intend to use as a address book, hasn’t worked. Losing this means losing the way of contact with my friends in Japan… It seems to be trivial thing, but actually a big problem…
Labels: Diary
0th day:
I became nervous.
For a while, my concern was that I had no concern, but it was not true.
It was just because of the shortage of my imagination.
Malaysian Airline is good, because all the sheets have VoD service.
“Spiderman 3 was very interesting.
1st day:
I arrived at Heathrow, then I went to Elephant & Castle, where is my language school, on tube. It took about an hour, so Heathrow is closer to the center of London than Narita to Tokyo.
English class has nothing at 1st day but introduction, so it’s boring.
After the introduction, I went out to my Hall of Residence, but I had only a print out of Google Map and the leaflet which has a vague map, so I lost my way.
Then I found a man, who looks like a visiting cleaner, and asked him the way.
He didn’t know that, but he had a sort of PDA, which can search for some place form an address, so he found my way and taught me.
He’s very gentlemen, but I forgot to ask his name…but I never forget his kindness!
At last I got there, but next trouble was waiting.
The gate was locked. I couldn’t enter. I pushed the bell, but it seemed not to work.
Looking for the other gate, I was walking around the residence when a man, who seemed to live around there, told me that I should just wait because someone passed buy.
At first I couldn’t believe it, but after waiting for about 15 minutes some student came there and unlocked the gate.
She asked me how long I wait here. When I answered about 15 minutes, she said “you’re lucky”.
In return I asked her if everyone stayed there until someone passed by, she answered “yes”.
Oh, what excellent operation it is…
Then, I entered the room of the manager, who called PK, but he isn’t.
The girl who unlocked the gate told me to wait here and went upstairs.
For a while I waited here, but he didn’t come.
Other girl passed by and spoke to me.
“Are you waiting for PK?”
“Call this number.”
She indicated the number on the wall.
“But I have no phone…”
“Ah…just wait.”
She brought her mobile phone from her room and called him.
Then, he came there and gave me my room key.
My room is large enough to live alone, but Internet Access was not working well…
2nd day:
I went to school in early morning because I was going to be told about when my class started.
My class was to start from 2 a.m., so by beginning my class, I went to south bank.
I walked around westwalk station and visited tate modern.
Here, some exhibition held and almost all the exhibition was fee free.
One of the themes was City, and other was UBS collection.
Former focused on the visual expression of comparison between some large cities, such as Cairo, Sao Paulo, Los Angeles, etc…
I wonder when people started to be interested in cities.
From the early 20th century? From ajge? From Sander?
For most of people, cities are already usual things.
Does the comparison between each other make new meanings?
I’m interested in percentages of immigration in each city.
That of London is about 30%, Los Angeles is about 35%, but Tokyo is just few percent.
Tokyo is mega city, but it seems to be take a lot of time that Tokyo becomes an international city.
I found a photograph of Las Vegas.
The city is strictly gridded, the inside is very confused though.
The gap is very interesting.
3rd day
I decided to try to go to school on foot.
On the way, I found a flea market. It seemed to be useful.
There were a mobile shop and I took out a leaflet.
In the UK, there are 2 plan, monthly and pay as you go.
Monthly seems to be more reasonable, but it require you to have a bank account.
I don’t have it in the UK, so maybe I have to contract a “pay as you go” plan…
In my English Class, I’m less at English, especially Listening and Speaking, than other students. I must study hard.
On the way to go home, near my residence I discovered a good supermarket.
500g pasta is just 27p (about 68yen)!
Labels: Diary
Sep 2006
I went to an agent company of overseas education and learn about basic knowledge for that.
Dec 2007
I take an exam of IELTS in Tokyo.
Jan 2007
I went to other fee-free agent company of overseas education, but I couldn’t get useful information. Best point of this visit was that I found my purpose was not so clear yet.
Mar 2007
I went to other (it means third!) fee-free agent company of overseas education. This agent seems to have a lot of knowledge about how to support students who want to study art oversea. I felt it is a good agent for me.
Apr 2007
Fortunately an interviewer of UAL was going to come to Tokyo in April, so I interviewed with in Tokyo.
Labels: Overseas Education
In Guam, I watched "Ghost rider" and the heroine, Eva Mendes, is too hot, so I rented the DVD in which Eva Mendes is also the heroine, in Japan.
I think the movie makes you think which is more important in Love, passion or strategy.
The official site is very interesting.
It shows the love thory that is used in the movie.
Labels: films
I went to Guam with a friend of mine last week.
American meals are huge and too heavy.
("That,s Huge!!" by Pizza Hut, but the picture is Friday`s)
There are a lot of great hotels.
For example,
Labels: Diary
Today, I used "Skype".
It`s the first time for me.
I had to call from Tokyo to the U.S., because I open a new account with a security company for exercising my stock options.
I thought International call is very expensive, so I used “Skype”.
(But actually this was free call and no charge…)
Before I used it, I expected the quality was bad, but now my opinion has been changed.
I felt it has just little different with legacy telephone.
Above all, it`s very reasonable. You can call almost anywhere 2-3 yen (just 2-3 cent) a minute!!
Skype encourages many foreign students.
don`t worry, I`m not a employee of Skype…
Labels: IT
My blog was renewed!
Design of this blog is very simple, but it took a lot of time to compose it properly...
Labels: Diary