Sunday, September 16, 2007

Open House day 1st

34th day 15September2007 Saturday
Today was Open House day, so I visited some places, but I couldn’t enter some of them ‘cause one required me to pre-book, and another had been already full.
1. I visited King’s Place
It had been under construction yet. At first, I thought it was a rare opportunity that I was able to enter the constructed building, but it was difficult to enjoy it ‘cause some ability to imagine the completed image was required. So if you have expertise about constructing building you can enjoy yourself with it, but I didn’t have, it was a good experience though.

2. I visited Barbican Centre and 10 Queen Street Place, but…
The tour in Barbican Centre was a pre-booking type. I overlooked the information on the leaflet. I would like to have seen the inside well because the exterior was interesting.
Then I went to 10 Queen Street Place, but when I arrived there, the tour had been already full. The design of the entrance was very curious, so I felt I lost the good opportunity…

3. Second Life
I saw some news about Second Life, which is the largest online game, in several media in the UK. I wondered if it was focused in London.
In Japan, online games have been getting popular too, but the popular games are based on Japanese language.

Open House
King’s Place
Barbican Centre
Queen Street Place
Second Life

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