Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zaha Hadid

30th day 11September2007 Tuesday
1. I went to the housing services again.
I went there again. I showed my receipt, the staff admitted her mistake and she said that she called the hall manager later.

2. I went to Design Museum
The exhibition about Zaha Hadid who is one of the most famous architects was held. Many works were introduced here, and what I was interested in was the works in eighties. Her drawings at that time looked like polygon models in computer modeling. It reminded me of the image of cyber pank, such as “Nuromancer”.
But most current projects of hers are streamlined. The change is interesting, because I think one of the reasons of her success is her eighties accomplishment. That is, she got attention with the polygon style at first, but her style in nineties and two thousands were changed. The fact that is curious is that she was interested in Velner Panton at the late eighties.

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