Monday, May 26, 2008

Model making, and Red Hot Chili Peppers

I tried to concentrate on making a computer model, but it is really difficult. For a breaking time, sometimes I listened to the tunes of Red Hot Chili Peppers. I had three favourite music artists in my life. The first one was Queen. I got to know them when I was a junior high student and Freddy had already passed, but his voice captured me and I thought I didn’t need any other music but theirs.

The second was Radio Head, especially the songs in “OK computer”. I think every teenagers should listen to them as a trial. Their melancholic sounds totally fitted my psychology in teenage days.

The third one is The Red Hot Chili Peppers, but I just like their songs after Californication, so I might not be a real freak of them. I can’t explain the cool point well, but I think the key factor is the sound of bass, I guess the bassist, Flea, must be a genius.

Anyway, I have to focus on my project. Keeping motivation is sometimes very difficult. I don’t know why, but sometimes I can’t control it. I know I should control it, but my consciousness is going to some different direction naturally.

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