Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A part-time job

Last evening, I've got a call from a hotel in which I apply for a part-time job.
They asked me to come the next morning,and I accepted it, but actually I didn't know well how to work in a restaurant in a hotel.
At the time I was in a book store, so I looked for a book which introduced how to do it, but I counldn't find it.

I went back to home and googled some websites about it, and I found interesting movies on Youtube.
It was a kind of a series of lessons for how to be a good waiter, it was too sophisticated for me though.

Then I found another series of movies, which is about how to make cocktails.

It was more interesting for me, and I wanted to become a bartender.
It must be difficult, and if I start it as an amateur, the tools are a lot and a bit expensive, and if you do it personally in your kitchen, how to prepare ice should be a problem, because they use a lot of ice without the least regret.
At any rate, how to make cocktails is very interesting.

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