I went to a restaurant in hotel in the early morning.
I thought I should not be late, so I left my place earlier, but it was too early, so I arrived there almost 20 minutes in advance, but already most of the staff were there.
I changed my clothes and shoes, then went to the kitchen.
The manager explained to me about the place, but it was really quick so it was difficult to understand.
I was not clearly sure about what I should do, but one girl was in charge of helping me and taught a lot of things during working. I made a lot of mistakes anyway. For example, waiter should not put a plate for gathering dishes on table, but I didn’t know so I did, and I shouldn’t have collected milk pots, butter dishes, which are basic stuff on tables and so on to the kitchen, but I did, and I shouldn’t have took customers’ coffee cups before they left their seat, but I did. I had no experience to do that, so it was really good experience for me to learn a lot, I am really not confident about whether I could get the job or not.